In 2013 my new years resolution was to say yes to what God asks of me. I feel in my heart God calling me to join this cause. I thought this is crazy. The cause is worthy and I even feel God's prompting to get in shape but I can't run a marathon. Maybe God didn't know it's 26 miles. "Hi God, it's Hubert, remember me, I'm out of shape and old. I'm the one who will spend a day watching a season of Doctor Who. That's my type of marathon. Yes I will do as you ask, I'm just saying this doesn't make sense."
Then I thought I can't tell people I plan to run the Chicago Marathon. They will think I'm crazy. I will have to tell them I know it's crazy but I'm following what God has asked me to do. Of course they will still think I'm crazy but crazy for God. That type of crazy I can own. I have to admit following God's call even if it doesn't seem logical to me is exciting. Will you help me in this great cause? Together we can change lives.
This is the link to my World Vision donation page.