Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Heron & the Coot
By Hubert Hausoul

The Great Blue Heron strutted through the shallows among the lily pads.
A Mud Duck saw him and bid a cheery “Good day and good fishing.”
The proud heron annoyed at the distraction called back,
“The fishing would be easier if I could ignore the reflection of my great stature.”
“You are beautifully made” said the coot “but I am glad I am not you. God made me small and  simple but he takes care of me well.”
“From my magnificent vantage,” replied the heron”I can see fish from afar.”
“I am not stuck fishing in the shallows.” said the coot “I can dive deep and go where the fish are. From my simple vantage I can see God’s point of view. I do not get my opinion of myself by looking at myself. I am valued because the creator values me.”
The heron turn his head sideways and gazed at his reflection with new curiosity.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Mirror Mirror, who are you?
reflections of Hubert Hausoul
Self contemplation is just another story that thrills my soul.
As I examine my motives, my drives, my ambitions with the purpose to analyze my thinking I’m using a logic I created.
Is the science of my brain a valid mirror?
I have discovered that I am always telling myself stories and then test them to see if they ring true. We all tell ourselves stories and we should know when we are spinning the stories to make ourselves feel better. Or are we such good storytellers that we believe our own lies? Are you capable of examining yourself with an impartial eye?
Could you surprise yourself?
I was surprised to realize that I am an adventure seeker. This would surprise you to if you knew me and my uneventful blue collar existence.  The kind of adventure I seek is in the story that is life. Is this common? Are we all Walter Mitty creating adventure to add meaning and excitement into our life?
Is this a necessary part of a sane existence?
Thousands of years ago Socrates said an unexamined life is not worth living. What if we examine our life and find the only value is that which we make up. The fact that we create the currency does not make it less valuable.
Story gets you through work and into vocation without changing jobs.
Story gets you from internal loneliness into the company of kindred spirits without shaking hands.
Story gets you from embarrassment into humility and from discipline into love all within your own mind.
Spin the story, wash your brain and chose the outcome that keeps you sane.

How crazy is that?