Tuesday, March 11, 2014

In this modern age we like to believe that along with technology we have invented new theological ideas. The realities are that most of the same "modern" issues of society were thought about and deeply discussed centuries ago.  I read about what St. Bonaventure wrote and it seams progressive or "new age". He lived from 1221 to 1274.

According to medieval scholar St. Bonaventure we perceive with three eyes: Eye of Flesh, Eye of Mind, and Eye of Contemplation

St. Bonaventure, the great Doctor Seraphicus of the Church and a favorite philosopher of Western mystics, taught that men and women have at least three modes of attaining knowledge—"three eyes," as he put it (following Hugh of St. Victor, another famous mystic): the eye of flesh, by which we perceive the external world of space, time, and objects; the eye of reason, by which we attain a knowledge of philosophy, logic, and the mind itself; and the eye of contemplation, by which we rise to a knowledge of transcendent realities.

The mind in contemplating God has three distinct aspects, stages or grades—the senses, giving empirical knowledge of what is without and discerning the traces (vestigia) of the divine in the world; the reason, which examines the soul itself, the image of the divine Being; and lastly, pure intellect (intelligentia), which, in a transcendent act, grasps the Being of the divine cause.

All my eyes are turned to God this lent season.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Oh, trust thyself to Jesus by W Warren Bentley 1883
  • Oh, trust thyself to Jesus
      When conscious of thy sin,
    Its heavy weight upon thee,
      Its mighty pow’r within:
    Then is the hour for pleading
      His finished work for thee:
    Then is the time for singing,
      His blood was shed for me.
  • Oh, trust thyself to Jesus
      When tempted to transgress,
    By word or look of anger,
      Or thought of bitterness:
    Then is the hour for claiming
      Thy Lord to fight for thee:
    Then is the time for singing,
      He doth deliver me.
  • Oh, trust thyself to Jesus
      When daily cares perplex,
    And trifles seem so mighty
      Thy inner soul to vex:
    Then is the hour for grasping
      His hand who walked the sea:
    Then is the time for singing
      He makes it calm for me.
  • Oh, trust thyself to Jesus
      When thou art wearied sore,
    When head or hand refuses
      To think or labor more:
    Then is the hour for leaning
      Upon the Master’s breast:
    Then is the time for singing,
      My Savior gives me rest.

  • Come Holy Spirit by Issac Watts
    Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove,
    With all Thy quick’ning powers;
    Kindle a flame of sacred love
    In these cold hearts of ours.
    Look how we grovel here below,
    Fond of these trifling toys;
    Our souls can neither fly nor go
    To reach eternal joys.
    In vain we tune our formal songs,
    In vain we strive to rise;
    Hosannas languish on our tongues,
    And our devotion dies.
    Dear Lord! and shall we ever live
    At this poor dying rate?
    Our love so faint, so cold to Thee,
    And Thine to us so great?
    Come, Holy Spirit, heav’nly Dove,

    With all Thy quick’ning powers;

      Come, shed abroad the Savior’s love

    And that shall kindle ours.
    Romans 1:17 "...as it is written the just shall live by faith."

    I read that this verse was life changing to Martin Luther. Many people believe that wisdom is secret and hidden but my experience is that it is simple and overlooked. Martin Luther had read this but not taken it to heart so God hit him over the head with this verse three times. He often reveals things to me repeatedly and it it good to see that I'm not the only one who needs to hears things over and over. So why is this simple verse life changing. I know I'm the "just" as I have accepted the sacrifice of Jesus and now have his justification or righteousness. Unfortunately I find myself living by fear and worry. Lonely and scarred I act under my own provisions and fail.

    To live by faith means to have peace and purpose,
    to have joy and confidence
    to have trust and security
    to be bold and intentional
    to rise to the challenge of the impossible and see it accomplished through Him.

    In living by faith my life brings glory to the God who spoke the laws of fractal geometry into existence.
    I have faith, this is the kingdom life God wants for me.


    Wednesday, March 5, 2014

    God's flame, my lantern

    Romans 1:17 "For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith. "
    What is the purpose of mans righteousness. Our good deeds cannot earn our way to heaven. Our self righteousness can get in the way of Gods work. It is Gods righteousness we need yet our own righteousness is still very important to God and his work.
    I'm not being noble and humble when I acknowledge that I'm a sinner. If I am honest before God, I am ashamed and on my knees before my Lord. I am thankful that even my wife of decades is not exposed to my constant petty, selfish, lustful, mean spirited thoughts. Even I get used to my own selfishness and I minimize or overlook my sins.  My Father is exposed to my every sin yet He loves me for who I am instead of what I think and do. He loves me so much that he found a way to entrust me with His righteousness. This is my ticket into His presence, into His kingdom. As undeserving as I am he calls me into his presence and with my sin stain that is impossible. This is why God became man and suffered as a sacrifice for my sins. I can not ever be good enough to earn any glory worthy of praise. I do not get halfway up the mountain and he carries me the rest of the way. My travels might gain me altitude up a mountain but it is transport into heaven itself that we all desire. I don't need to gain this altitude, God can lift me from any height. So again we come to the question, why do I need to struggle to be good? What good is man's righteousness? It is because God's righteousness is revealed out of faith and into faith. 
    For many decades I understood God loved me. In that last two years I have experienced God's love through the lives of close christian friends. What I knew, now I feel. This has transformed me. It was faith in God that moved my friends to carry God's glorious light and share it with the world. God's righteousness out of their faith and into my faith. Now I will carry God's light in my lantern. If I carry a light of my own, it can burn out or blow out. Carrying your own light is a chore. Carrying God's light is a joy. Being grateful of all of this blessing I can not help but draw closer to God and He makes me grow in my own righteousness. It is like my mirror gets polished to reflect His light. I may gain altitude so to shine His light from high but as I go I will seek out others with lanterns. Hug your fellow man, share the light.